Elemental Analyzers

Total Organic Halogen Analyzer Model TOX-300

■ Cost effective solution for environmental analysis
■ Matrix independent soot free combution program
■ Improved lower measuring limit

Advanced datebse software and the reputed coulometry method allow measurement of chloride and sulfer content in solid, liquid and gaseous samples down to the ppm level - to be fully utilized at various plants.
(Conforms to US EPA9020B, 9021, 9076, ISO9562, 11480, DIN38414-17, 18 etc.)


①High-Speed Analysis using the Auto Boat Controller
Measurement is perfromed automatically in 6 to 12 minute simply by placing a sample boat and starting measurement. Since the sample boat inlet box is provided with a cooling function (electronic cooling), the boat can be cooled in a short period of time for faster repetitive measurement.

②Application - Oriented System Configuration
The user of various options according the particular sample make it possible to construct a system that precisely matches the application.

③Matrix Independent, unique songle program for all samples.
Secure combution Program (SCP) enables ideal pyrolysis of substances in sample.

Measurering Principle

■Chlorine Analysis Standard Set with Chlorine Titration Cell unit
Sample are burned in an Argon.Oxgen atmosphere.
The resulting chloride is lead into titration cell where it is automatically titrated by silver ions generated coulometically. The amount of chlorine is then calculated from the quantity of electricity required for the titration.

HCl + Ag+ → H+ + AgCl (Titration)
Ag → Ag+ + E- (Electrolysis)

■Sulfer Analysis Standard Set with Sulfer Titration cel unit
Samples are burned in an Argon/Oxgen atmosphere.
the resulting sulfer dioxide is lead into a titration cell where it is automatically titrated by triiodide ions generated coulometrically. The amount of sulfer is then calculated from the quantity of electricity required for the titration.

SO2 + I3- → SO3 + 2H+ + 3I- (Titration)
3I- → I3- + 2e- (Electrolysis)


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Elemental Analyzers Lineup


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MCCAT Overseas Sales Office


1623-14 Shimotsuruma, Yamato, Kanagawa 242-0001, Japan

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If you have any questions, please contact the local distributors.

Distribution Network

MCCAT Overseas Sales Office


1623-14 Shimotsuruma, Yamato, Kanagawa 242-0001, Japan

General Inquiries Catalogue Product Repair/ Spare Parts